Pros And Cons Of Vinyl Pools
Vinyl has been a popular pool material for over forty years. In that time, it has proven itself to be better than other materials in some respects, and in other respects it doesn’t perform as well. We’ve condensed some of the key arguments for and against vinyl pools into this article, so you can see whether a vinyl lined pool is right for you!
Pro: Vinyl Lined Pools Have a Cost Effective Installation
Vinyl lined pools are a great option for those looking for an affordable and cost-effective pool solution. Vinyl pools are less expensive to build and install than concrete or fibreglass pools, and they offer a number of advantages in terms of durability and ease of maintenance. Vinyl pool liner is a non-abrasive substance, which makes it smooth to touch. With proper care and maintenance, vinyl lined pools can last for years, providing years of family fun.
Con: Vinyl Pool Liners May Need Replacing Every Decade
Vinyl pool liners are an important part of any vinyl pool. They help to keep the pool clean and protect it from the elements. Over time, however, they can become worn or damaged, making it necessary to replace them. Vinyl pool liners must be replaced every decade, or sooner if they show signs of wear. The good news is that there are a variety of high-quality vinyl pool liners on the market, so you can find one that fits your budget and needs. When shopping for a new vinyl pool liner, be sure to compare prices, Warranties, and features to find the best value for your money. With a little research, you can find a vinyl pool liner that will last for years to come.
Pro: Vinyl Pools Are Low Maintenance
Vinyl pools are low maintenance and a great choice for pool owners. Vinyl liner pools have a liner that is made of PVC vinyl, which is durable and resists staining and fading. Vinyl pools are also easy to clean and maintain, and they don't require the same level of chemicals as other types of pools. Vinyl liner pools are a good choice for people who want a pool that is low maintenance and easy to care for.
Con: Vinyl Lined Pools May Come with a Higher Lifetime Cost
Any pool owner will tell you that pools require a lot of work to maintain. Not only do you have to regularly clean them, but you also have to make sure the pH levels are balanced and the chlorine levels are where they should be. But what about the type of pool you choose? When it comes to inground swimming pools, there are three main types: vinyl, fibreglass, and concrete. And while each has its own set of pros and cons, vinyl lined pools definitely aren’t as affordable as fibreglass. Here’s why: Vinyl lined pools have an initial lower installation cost, but as noted above, vinyl pool liners need to be replaced every 8-10 years, which can cost several thousand dollars. Fibreglass pools, on the other hand, have a gelcoat finish that doesn’t require replacement. In addition, vinyl lined pools can develop wrinkles over time, which can be unsightly and difficult to repair. While these aren’t necessarily deal breakers, it is an important consideration before you dive into purchasing a vinyl lined pool.
Pro: Vinyl Lined Pools Can Be Customised
Vinyl lined pools are a fantastic option for anyone looking for a customised pool. Vinyl pool liners come in a wide range of colours and patterns, so you can create a pool that perfectly reflects your style. You can have them designed in any shape you want, and many different thicknesses. You can get vinyl pools with amazing features like a spill-over spa or a tanning ledge. Imagine relaxing in your own pool with a built-in spa! Or getting a perfect tan without having to leave your backyard. Vinyl pools are the perfect way to upgrade your home and make summer even better. Whether you're looking for a sleek and modern pool or something more traditional, vinyl is a great option.
Con: Vinyl Lined Pools Are Susceptible To Algae
The final downside of vinyl pools is a small one: they are susceptible to algae growth. Algae can grow quickly in vinyl lined pools because the liner provides a perfect environment for algae to thrive in. Warm water, sunlight, and moisture.
The reason we say this is a small downside is because it is very easily rectified. There are a few things you can do to prevent algae growth in your pool, however. First, make sure you maintain proper water chemistry. Second, brush the walls and floor of your pool regularly. Third, use an algaecide to kill any algae that does manage to grow. By following these simple tips, you can keep your vinyl pool looking great all year long!
Want To Learn More About Vinyl Pools?
Not quite ready to make up your mind about vinyl lined pools? Consult the Swimming Pool and Spa Association of Australia and New Zealand. Contact details for your local member are on our ‘Find a provider’ tab.