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Pool Cleaners – a smart choice for the savvy pool owner
An automatic pool cleaner has become essential for any pool owner
Pool cleaners are an important part of your equipment and investing in the right one will help to keep your pool looking sparkling clean. When investing in a pool cleaner, there’s a few things that you need to take into consideration, including your pool type, budget and features so you can ensure you’re buying the right product for your pool.
Robotic Cleaners
Robotic cleaners have also been around for over 30 years. They use smart technology to systematically scan and map the entire surface of the pool giving an efficient and effective clean, climbing and scrubbing the walls and waterline. They run independently so don’t rely on the pump running which means they are very efficient and cost effective to run with running costs as little as $60 a year.
They are very easy to maintain with cartridge filters making it super simple to dispose of the debris. Once the pool has been cleaned, its recommended that the cleaner is removed from the pool, filters hosed down and stored until the next time the pool needs to be cleaned. The frequency of use will depend on where you live, foliage in and around the pool and the weather. Robotic cleaners are great for agitating and circulating the water just like you’re your pump does which will help to keep your pool looking clear.
Recent innovations can allow the user to set different programs depending on your pool type, pre-program preferred times and operate the cleaner remotely via wireless technologies.
Suction Cleaners
Automatic suction pool cleaners have been around for many years and are a popular choice because they are budget-friendly and relatively low maintenance.
Available for more than 30 years, suction cleaners are connected through the vac plate in the skimmer box. The suction and speed can be adjusted using a valve between the unit and the vac plate. Suction cleaners will operate while the pump is running and some models have the ability to climb pool walls.
There are two types of suction cleaners:
· Non-mechanical, normally with a large rubber disk which functions with a rubber hammer or diaphragm. The cleaner’s direction is guided by the pool hose, so if your hose is always bunched at the deep end of the pool, the cleaner won’t travel to the shallow end.
· Mechanical/geared, with wheels or tracks. These cleaners do not rely on the hose for direction, and instead have internal gears that manoeuvre the cleaner around the pool, resulting in a more thorough clean of the pool’s surface.
Both types have propulsion and random motions to suck all debris, perfect for households with a large leaf problem. As the unit is plugged directly into the vac plate, there is no or very little surface skimming action which may be a nuisance if you have a big leaf problem.

Pressure Cleaners
Pressure cleaners come in two types. One has small hoses to sweep leaves and other debris to the main drain. The other uses a similar hose attachment but with a leaf bag attached to the cleaner itself. There are also pressure cleaners which have small hoses that sweep debris to push leaves and debris to the main drain where they are sucked into the skimmer.
Things to Consider
· Wall climbing robots are not recommended for above ground pools
· The surface finish of your pool and the length/width can affect the type of cleaner that best suits
We recommend connecting with a SPASA member for more information on which product best suits your pool and your needs.