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You could argue that the best time of the year for using a spa is in the cold winter months. But if you’ve decided to leave for warmer shores, you... Read...

For any would-be spa owner, the comparison between above ground and inground spas is guaranteed to come up. It’s important for homeowners and... Read...

Building a pool in your home is a big decision, and the process thereafter is made up of lots of little decisions as well. Things like the size,... Read...

It's the most common comparison people make when looking at buying a spa — should you go for the in-expensive portable spa? Or invest in an... Read...

Owning a pool has always been an investment. It requires both time and money in order to make a significant home and lifestyle improvement like... Read...

Swimming pools are often seen as one of the best ways to transform your backyard, and this is true — but it’s top quality lighting that really adds... Read...

Money doesn’t grow on trees! Funnily enough, neither does water. This is a real shame because having a pool or spa generally requires a bit of... Read...

If you love to swim but hate the cold, there's a good chance you've thought about adding a pool heater to stave off those chilly winter... Read...

Buying a spa is about more than just having a lovely place to have a dip whenever you like. That alone is great, but buying an above-ground spa... Read...

What does it really cost to run your pool?In the dark when it comes to how much your pool costs to run each year? You may have a vague idea, but... Read...

Skin and hair feeling the effects of a long hot summer? These tips will turn things around in no time.Most Australians and New Zealanders are... Read...

Q: I really enjoyed our swimming pool through my first two (summer) pregnancies. Now baby number three is on the way and will arrive in winter. Is... Read...

Water features bring that little something extra to any pool, whether adding a touch of drama or creating a soothing space for relaxation.Pool... Read...

Pool surround choices One of the most important elements of a swimming pool build or renovation is the pool surround, or deck. It can really make... Read...

Q: Every day of the holidays, there are twenty kids in our pool for hours, with no bathroom breaks. We all know what’s happening in that water. How... Read...

Fifty shades of green Depending on how you care for a it, your lawn may be less eco-friendly than you thought. Read on for tips and tricks to help... Read...

Toyless Games While plenty of us are content to lounge around the pool, book in hand and cocktail at the ready, others need a bit more action. If... Read...

What to do with old inflatablesTake a sneak peek inside any family pool fence and you’re guaranteed to see some brightly coloured inflatables.... Read...
Other Articles
Q: Can I leave my robotic cleaner in the pool?
A: Theoretically, yes, but you really shouldn’t. You’ll... Read...
Create a cosy environment and enjoy more time outdoors. Fire tables, pits and fireplaces bring the campfire feeling home, providing a place to... Read...
One of the generally accepted benefits of pool ownership is a positive impact on health — we all know that swimming is great for cardio, builds... Read...
When and why to shock your pool
Pool shock, also known as super chlorination, is the process of adding a... Read...