Going undercover: Simple sustainability
In terms of bang for buck, one of the best pool equipment investments you can make is a good quality cover…it’ll earn it’s keep in no time.
Pool covers and blankets are the silent sustainability workhorse, helping you save energy, water and maintenance costs all year-round. They come in a multitude of materials and formats to suit every budget and can prevent the need for costly repairs later down the track.
Less debris, less stress
A cover keeps out about 80 to 90% of the leaves and other debris that could end up in your pool, so you’re already ahead of the game. Reducing the contaminants in the water also puts less load, and therefore less stress, on your cleaner, skimmer, filter and pumps – saving you in the long run. Most robotic cleaners will still operate with a cover in place.
Reduce evaporation
When the sun goes down and the air temperature drops below the water temperature, it leads to water cooling, evaporation and heat loss. By using a cover, you will lose less water through evaporation, but you’ll also use less chemicals if you don’t need to top-up the pool and re-balance chemicals every time. Direct sunlight on the pool surface also contributes to the break-down of chlorine, so using a cover will save you in sanitising costs as well.
Heat loss
Most of the heat loss in a swimming pool happens at the water’s surface. You can save a bundle by using a pool cover, especially if you’ve got a heating system. Keeping the water warm means you can enjoy your pool for longer each year.
A fitting choice
There are plenty of pool cover choices available to suit every budget including automatic, manual, solar, safety and thermal options. Make sure your choice fits snugly, as gaps around the edges can reduce the overall efficiency.
For more information and advice, check out the Climate Care Certified online directory on the SPASA website (www.spasa.com.au) and remember to look for the CCC mark.